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Cinéma Public - Cine junior

EN – Screenings – Summer 1993

How can you rebuild a home after the death of a loved one? An autobiographical film full of truth, shown from a child’s point of view, that teaches us to appreciate our most fundamental relationships.

Movies for Middle School

After the death of her parents, Frida leaves Barcelona at the age of six to go live with her uncle and aunt and their three-year-old daughter in their house in the country. During that summer of 1993, Frida comes to terms with her grief, and her adoptive parents learn to love her like their own.

  • Director

    Carla Simón

  • Genre


  • Year


  • Details

    1h36 / Original soundtrack with French subtitles

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 : Animation

 : Atelier

 : Rencontre

 : Goûter

 : Séance festive

Pyramide Films
