Official Selection, short film competition: programme 11+ years

Official Selection, short film competition: programme 11+ years
1hr 23min
The Melody of Sheep
Frédéric Juvigny
Drama, Fantasy | France | 2024 | 18min
In the remote countryside, Marcel, a retired old farmer, still tends his land and his flock. One summer morning as he is overcome by a stroke, his sheep escape and a dreamlike vision appears to him.
After the Sun
Rayane Mcirdi
Drama | France, Belgium, Algeria | 2024 | 25min | French soundtrack and Original soundtrack with French subtitles
One summer in the late 1980s, an Algerian family takes a trip from the Paris suburbs to Marseille. On the horizon are a mythical ferry, the port of Algiers, a holiday « back home » where the children have never been.
Laura Gonçalves, Alexandra Ramires
Animated documentary | Portugal, France | 2024 | 11min | Original soundtrack with French subtitles
Against a backdrop of the sea and urban Algarve, we witness an entire cycle of life of this special shellfish they call “Percebes”, or the goose barnacle. In the journey from the mollusc’s first formation to the plate, we travel through various settings that help us to better understand the region and the people who live there.
Florence Miailhe
Biopic | France | 2024 | 14min
We see a man swimming in the sea. As he swims, he watches as events of his past life rise to the surface. Each of them, from childhood to adulthood, is associated with water. This is the story of his last swim.
Waking Up In Vegas
Michèle Flury
Drama | Switzerland | 2023 | 15min | Original soundtrack with French subtitles
Yael has reached puberty and is searching for his own identity between his very virile big brother and his queer best friend Aaron. In the process, he not only questions himself, but also imperils his friendship with Aaron.
Jeu. 6·2
14h Arcueil · Esp. J. Vilar
Sam. 8·2
17h30 Chevilly-Larue · Th. A. Malraux
Lun. 10·2
14h Sucy-en-Brie · Esp. J.-M. Poirier