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Cinéma Public - Cine junior

EN – Screenings – Myrtle and the Letter to Santa

A warm, magical tale about friendship!

French title : Myrtille et la Lettre au Père Noël

When Winter spreads its snowy coat over the landscape, a mouse, a biscuit, and a little girl have amazing adventures. A friendship unexpectedly develops, curiosity opens the door to a world full of surprises, and the magic of Christmas offers us a trip nearly to the moon!

  • Directors

    Edmunds Jansons, Dace Riduze, Camille Chaix

  • Genre


  • Year


  • Details

    42 min / French soundtrack

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 : Animation

 : Atelier

 : Rencontre

 : Goûter

 : Séance festive

CPF (Cinéma Public Films)
