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Cinéma Public - Cine junior

EN – Screenings – Softie (Petite nature)

by Samuel Theis
Movies for Middle school
Fiction / France / 2021 / 1h35

Presented at the Semaine de la critique, Softie centres on a young boy’s budding feelings for his teacher. Growing up in a depressed area and a complicated family, the child will try everything to leave a life that no longer suits him.


Johnny is ten years old. So young, but still interested in things way beyond his years. Living in a low-rent district in the Lorraine, he observes with curiosity the ups and downs of his young mother’s love life. This year Johnny has a new teacher, Mr. Adamski, who believes in and wants to open a new world to him.

  • Genre


  • Director

    Samuel Theis

  • Details


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Jeudi 10 février
Espace Jean Vilar

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